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  • Writer's pictureJoshua Harmening

Step 3: Measure & Leverage the Marketing Arsenal

Step three is probably the most exciting step. When companies

have strong Unique Selling Points (step 1) and have baited their

Platforms with free Offers (step 2), there is an explosion of growth

when they turn on the Marketing Arsenal (step 3). The Marketing

Arsenal includes all the various forms of marketing exposure that

exists. Though these methods are always changing, the Marketing

Arsenal's sole purpose is to give your business exposure. Most

businesses are familiar with the Marketing Arsenal and you'll likely

recognize some of these marketing concepts as ideas your

business has tried in the past. Unfortunately, most businesses

manage the Marketing Arsenal the wrong way. Remember, the

Marketing Arsenal is only part of the Four Step Marketing equation

and shouldn't stand alone. Additionally, most businesses rarely

measure their marketing effectiveness like you'll learn about in this

chapter. Thus, a company's results can be drastically different

when they implement the Marketing Arsenal as part of a complete

Four Step Marketing system.

A Weird But Fitting Name

For as long as man has roamed the planet, war has been waged. It

started out with clubs and sticks. Wood was molded into bows so

archers could rain down terror on those who would dare attack

their cities. When wood was no longer enough, the metal sword

dealt a punishing blow by knights riding on horses. Catapults

launched huge boulders crushing walls. Then someone had a novel

idea - let's launch balls of fire from our catapults. With the

invention of the cannon, black powder rifles and the revolver, war

evolved even further. Today's modern warfare includes all sorts of

drones, heat seeking technology, and various ballistic missiles.

Whether you want to admit it or not, your business is at war with

your competitors to win and gain market share. Each battle is

unique based upon your industry, business and geographic

location. For some industries, television marketing is the standard.

For other industries, internet marketing reigns supreme. Some

businesses need global reach. Others need to target prospects

right in their own backyards. Regardless of your industry or

business, each battle is unique. In summary, the weapons in the

Marketing Arsenal are all the different methods to wage a marketing


The Marketing Arsenal Weapons

Here's a short list of some of the marketing methods that could be

implemented and measured in a Marketing Arsenal campaign.

Because every situation is different, not every form of marketing

would be implemented into your company's campaign.

Online Marketing Arsenal Weapons:

● Search Engine Optimization or SEO

● Local Search Marketing

● Content Marketing

● Video Marketing

● Social Media Marketing

● Video Marketing and Optimization

● Pay Per Click Marketing

● Pay Per Conversion Marketing

● Content Network Marketing

● Visitor Remarketing

● Referral Campaign Marketing

● Affiliate Program Integration

● Joint Venture Marketing

● Podcasting

● SMS or Text Message Marketing

● Mobile App Marketing

● Public Relations Marketing

Offline Marketing Arsenal Weapons:

● Direct Mail Marketing

● Radio Marketing

● Billboard Advertising

● Event Sponsorship

● Television Marketing

● Magazine or other Print Marketing

● Direct Sales Marketing

● Telemarketing

We realize that these concepts will be familiar to most readers. You

might even be tempted to dismiss step 3 as something you already

know or have tried with previous campaigns. The angst you feel

when looking at all the various forms of marketing is normal.

You've been jaded by past marketing misfires. Like bombs that

never hit their targets, you'll see that most businesses have totally

wasted their Marketing Arsenal efforts. Regardless of your past

experiences, you're going to learn a new way to use the Marketing

Arsenal . This methodical and systematic approach guarantees you'll

hit your target. But before we layout this plan, it's important to

understand why most marketing campaigns fall dreadfully short.

The Lie Most Businesses Believe About Marketing

It might sound contrary to popular belief, but most businesses

don't need to build a bigger brand. And No, you don't need to “get

your name out there” to grow sales. We've been taught this for

years, but with most businesses, it simply isn't true. Guess who told

you that repetition, slogans and your brand's exposure would grow

sales? You guessed it— the marketing agencies. Yes, the same

companies who takes your money for marketing services and don’t

measure for effectiveness. They've sold us the bag of goods that

marketing can't be measured and to see it work, you simply need

to give it time and do it over and over again.

The problem with "getting your name out there" is that it doesn't

work with today's consumer. Haven't we all become experts at

dodging commercials, ads and telemarketers? Though there's more

media now than ever, it's never been harder to capture attention.

As more and more people tune out, traditional marketing is

becoming less and less effective. Thus, the marketing that worked

for your company last year isn't as effective today. To win back the

lost attention, businesses seek out more outlandish ways to be

remembered in the future and keep investing in marketing hoping

to see a return. To that end, we keep spending and spending. We

have no idea what is effective and what isn't, so we don't dare stop

for fear the whole thing might fall apart. Like mixing hundred dollar

bills with mud, we throw our marketing dollars against the wall and

hope that something sticks. We are told to be patient and give it

time. Remember, Albert Einstein defined insanity as "doing the

same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

The Mistake That's Killing Your Marketing Budget

This is going to be painful for most readers. Especially if your

company has heavily invested in marketing over the years. Ready?

Based upon our experience, we estimate that the average company

flushes almost 2/3 of their entire marketing budget down the drain

every month. That's right, more than half of all marketing dollars

spent bring in very little return for most businesses. You may find

that hard to believe. How in the world can there be that much

waste? The reality is that most businesses don't correctly measure

their marketing results. You might feel confident and believe that

your company, or perhaps the marketing agency that set up your

marketing, is tracking your results. Sadly, we find that almost every

business, especially large corporations, fall miserably short when it

comes to accountable marketing. Though you may not want to

hear this, chances are very good that your business is also not

measuring marketing correctly. We’ll define the best practices here

shortly; based upon our experience, over 95% of all businesses are

totally wasting money on ineffective marketing activities that are

completely ignored.

Let that soak in for a minute. How much did you spend on

advertising last year? How about over the last ten years? What if

you had 2/3 of all that capital back right now?

Better yet, what if that wasted money was applied to something

that was actually working. It's a painful thought for most business

leaders, but over the years we've seen measurable marketing save

companies millions of dollars in wasted advertising costs. Though

they've saved small fortunes, it wasn't at the expense of their

growth. In fact, because their marketing became 100% accountable,

they continued to grow while spending considerably less money.

Imagine if you applied all the wasted money to effective marketing?

Your marketing would be 300% more effective with the same exact

marketing budget.

Measuring the Marketing Arsenal's Damage

Typically, there are two different arguments we'll hear. First, many

businesses tell us that it's impossible to measure their marketing's

effectiveness. Second, some businesses tell us they're already

measuring all of their marketing. To see how well your business

stacks up, let's clarify how the Marketing Arsenal should be measured

for effectiveness. For simplification, we'll discuss online and offline

marketing. Online marketing will relate to marketing services that

are digital or electronic. For example, online marketing would include

Google AdWords, search marketing and social media. Offline marketing

would then include items such as print advertising, television or radio

commercials, and direct mail. While there's several ways to measure the

Marketing Arsenal , we'll break this down into the very simplest

forms. Keep in mind that the collection of this data is 100% legal,

ethical and entirely invisible to your customers and prospects.

Measuring Website Traffic

To measure the visits you receive to your website, a specialty

tracking code would need to be installed. The majority of websites

do indeed have some form of website analytics installed on them,

but that doesn't mean they're measuring their marketing. In order

for website traffic to be measured, the business must use tracking

links for all of their advertising. That means, when a visitor comes

to the website, they secretly pass along tracking data telling how

they found you. Ready for this? Website traffic coming from online

and offline marketing can be measured. Yes, you read correctly. A

television commercial that drives website traffic CAN and SHOULD

be measured with tracking links. That goes for all forms of

marketing. From ads in the Yellow Pages to social media marketing

clicks. When done correctly, you'll see where all of your website

visitors originated. The second part of measuring website traffic is

to create conversion metrics. For example, when a visitor comes to

your website, what is the main objective? Is the objective to

purchase a product, request a quote, request your free Offer or call

your company? Each website visitor's actions should be tracked and

the referring marketing compared to determine what is most


Measuring Phone Calls

Before you insist that a website's analytical data doesn't reflect true

metrics, keep reading. Both online and offline marketing should

also measure the inbound phone calls generated if your company

receives phone calls. For example, your business places an ad in a

magazine. How many phone calls did it generate? When someone

sees your television commercial on late night cable, did they pick

up the phone and call you? You can only determine if this is

working if you track your inbound phone calls. What if someone

calls you while visiting your website? Good question. If prospects

visit your website and then call you, your website should also be

equipped with a call tracking script that automatically changes the

phone number based upon their marketing source. That means,

visitors coming from Google AdWords will see and call a different

phone number than visitors coming from your television


Mind Blowing Measurable Marketing

For those of you with complex marketing campaigns, you might not

be convinced just yet. You might argue that this tracking is

"general" information and doesn't reflect an individual's actions.

For example, what if Facebook is driving the majority of the leads

but Google organic traffic is actually driving all the sales? In other

words, what if you want to know the marketing source for the

customer who spent a million dollars with you. Ready for the nail in

the coffin? You should realize that every new lead or order received

can automatically and secretly capture the original marketing

source and tie it to that user's account. When pulling their contact

record in your system, you should be able to see the marketing that

drove them to your company.

In summary, every Marketing Arsenal weapon can and should be

measured. Every website visitor can be traced back to their original

marketing source. Remember, this includes website visitors coming

from offline marketing methods as well. Additionally, each of your

marketing methods will have call tracking integration. When done

correctly, you'll be able to see how the caller first found you, even if

they're visiting your website for the first time. Depending on your

business model, micro-level measuring can be implemented which

ties the marketing source to your prospects' or customers' contact

records. There are other measurable marketing methods for

retailers and businesses with walk-in traffic. We should point out

that this is a high level overview of measurable marketing and may

be less or more complicated depending on your business model,

marketing budget and industry. Regardless, the main point is to

realize that marketing transparency is possible. Though all of this

might sound complicated or expensive, let us assure you, it is


Oblivious or a Conspiracy?

It's in our human nature to dismiss something when we don't fully

understand it. We stick our heads in the sand trying to keep

everything the way it is. After all, if measurable marketing exists to

the extent we have just explained, why haven't you heard about it?

If you've heard about it, why haven't you implemented it? Why

hasn't your marketing staff explained this further? Why hasn't your

marketing agency demanded a meeting and insisted you stop

everything in order to figure out what's working? There are some

well meaning marketers who truly don't understand the full

spectrum of measurable marketing. However, that's not the

conspiracy. The conspiracy lies with those who've suggested and

sold us the media. These billion dollar media giants profit from our

ignorance. If we don't measure correctly, we'll never realize that the

bulk of our marketing budget is being flushed right down the toilet.

The Small Business Self Sabotage

Almost all small businesses and new start-ups ignore the principle

of measurable marketing. Many believe it is too complicated to set

up and not needed for their small shop. Though they're still

spending money on advertising, it's just a line item on their

business plan. For the most part they depend on their location and

word of mouth to drive sales. Sure enough, foot traffic and a

booming economy sustain them for a couple years. However,

there's a problem. Remember, the world is changing. Soon a

competitor will expand and move in, just two blocks from your

once ideal location. They'll be well capitalized, invest heavily in

marketing and put you on the brink of bankruptcy. Just then, when

the economy hits a bump, your best customers will spend less.

You'll remember portions of this book and decide it's time to start

measuring your marketing.

The Big Business Botch

Big businesses, yes companies spending millions upon millions of

dollars every month, also botch measurable marketing. Television

advertising swallows huge portions of their advertising budgets

without ever being tracked for effectiveness. These same

companies fork over millions of dollars to Google, Facebook and

other advertising agencies without ever really knowing what's

happening. Advertising costs continue to rise while the return on

investment is never discussed. The big business continues to spend

because it believes spending is the only way to stay on par with

their competition.

Yes, there is a better way. When a business sets up conversion

metrics, the data becomes crystal clear. There's no more guessing.

No more hoping. The business can now see what is driving

revenues and what isn't. It can stop wasting money and apply the

wasted funds to marketing that is generating a return. Keywords

are cut from pay per click campaigns. Some print advertising is

cancelled. The social budget is pulled back. Changes aren't

implemented ignorantly. No, these changes are coming from the

data that is guiding the ship. What a powerful feeling to be able to

tell the salesman from the Yellow Pages that he’s fired because the

thousands spent with his marketing only generated 15 calls and 2

sales last year. How wonderful it is to cut half your pay per click

budget without missing a single lead! You can now fire an ad

agency that doesn't deliver because you're NOW MEASURING

everything. You see what works and what doesn't.

Wait! What's that sound?

As you replace wasted dollars with effective marketing dollars,

you'll feel the business start to rumble. With each marketing

adjustment, you'll see an increase in sales, leads and traffic. Money

that was wasted will be allocated to campaigns that are driving

revenues. At last, your business is in control of your marketing

dollars. Like a faucet, you can turn on your marketing and control

its flow and thus control your growth. Implementing measurable

marketing just makes sense. Even if your company had lousy

Unique Selling Points , and bypassed database building with

Platforms and Offers , it would still save you a boatload of cash.

However, for companies who follow the other steps, there's even

more good news when it comes to the Marketing Arsenal.

Driving Sales for Today and Tomorrow

Obviously measurable marketing will increase your exposure and

sales. Immediate results can be felt, but that's not the only benefit

for businesses that practice Four Step Marketing. Because the

Marketing Arsenal (Step 3) is measured, it drives prospects and

customers to your organization's Platforms and Offers (Step 2).

Because you've provided this incentive, they share their personal

contact information and give you permission to follow-up in the

future. As you'll learn in our next chapter, we'll create a system for

sharing your Unique Selling Points (Step 1) thus increasing

conversions and customer loyalty.

For example, a radio ad ( Marketing Arsenal ) might encourage

listeners to call ( Platform ) a local dentist for a special FREE

turbo-cleaning toothbrush ( Offer ). Every prospective patient who

calls the company would be asked if they'd like to receive this

amazing FREE gift just for calling in. Obviously, the staff would also

ask them if they'd like to make an appointment. Regardless of

booking the appointment, the prospect's name, email, phone

number and mailing address would be added to the database

when they request the toothbrush. Another example might be a

local magazine ad ( Marketing Arsenal ) pointing readers to a local

restaurant ( Platform ) to receive a free dessert ( Offer ). Or perhaps a

coffee company uses a remarketing ad ( Marketing Arsenal ) to

provide a free sample ( Offer ) when they click over to the website

( Platform ). You see, the Marketing Arsenal does drive immediate

sales, but it also provides exposure to your company's free Offers.

We're not done yet though as we still have one last step to

discover. You'll see how everything comes together, and how your

Unique Selling Points will be continually communicated to your

customers and prospects.

Get ready for the light bulb to come on.

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